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Australian pine

Australian pine invasive tree long needles Florida

Casuarina equisetifolia                                      Photo Fiona Sunquist ©

The Australian pine is a fast-growing invasive plant native to Australia and southern Asia. It is highly salt tolerant, and currently wide spread in southern Florida and on the Keys. This long-needled pine is an excellent invader, well adapted to rapidly colonizing large pieces of land. Once established the fallen needles release a chemical that sterilizes the soil, making it impossible for most other plants to grow at that site. The Australian pine also produces more shade than other Florida trees, creating a shady understory in which native plants struggle to survive.

This exotic species uses much more water than native species and can deplete an area’s water resources.

Australian pine needles horsetail invasive tree Florida




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Wildlife of Florida 2011
Fiona Sunquist
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Wildlife of Florida: Lizards
Fiona Sunquist
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